
Full Moon in Capricorn/ Saturn in Sagittarius

Today’s Full Moon in Capricorn occurred at 3:57pm Pacific, but the energy will be alive all week. The sign of Capricorn is deep, old Earth so tend to practical matters. The focus this week is on work, home, health and reality (these are Earthy things). Capricorn the Goat knows how to pick his way over impossible terrain to find the pot of gold on the other side. We need this determination, because this Full Moon is sitting on Pluto, which currently retrograding in Capricorn.
Pluto is the great catalyst. It brings up toxic sludge to be purged, so an individual can rebirth themselves. Since the Full Moon is sitting at the exact degree of Pluto, this toxic stuff will be emotional in nature. If you can be gentle with yourself and walk through this week, the uncovered treasure you find within yourself could be revolutionary.
Meanwhile Mercury and Venus are blasting through Leo in their own conjunction. This highlights the artist within us, giving us free rein to boldly express ourselves with perfect, golden language.

Saturn in Sagittarius

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is traversing Sagittarius for three years (we’re halfway through). This transit asks us to get serious about our beliefs OR to restructure them. Our life philosophies and inner truths are being reworked and matured, so we can live on a solid foundation.