
Chinese New Year horoscopes: Year of the Tiger 2010

Year of the Tiger

The Chinese believe the tiger personality is dramatic, colorful, and extreme - and this year will be no different. I expect a great deal of excitement in the air, volatility in the financial markets, and saber rattling between opposing nations. The Tiger is also a humanitarian, so I hope for progress for the welfare of the common man.

Here's your horoscope for 2010!

1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
This year should go smoothly for you, but avoid taking a lot of risks, especially with money. The Tiger is a wild animal, and the Rat is a homebody and loves the domesticated life. There may be some misunderstandings in relationships to sort out, but nothing you can't handle. Focus on your artistic creativity this year!

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Patience is the keyword for the Ox this year. The best plan is to get clear on what you want to accomplish so if there's delays or obstacles you'll be able to make the correct choices. Don't be discouraged by setbacks, just put steady effort into all your endeavors and you will succeed in the end.

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
You shine this year! Everyone will want to be you. Everything falls into place and you feel completely at home everywhere you go! A great year to experiment and try new things - but AGAIN - no risk taking! The energy of this year is unstable so don't stretch out to o far with all the opportunities coming your way. Good year for personal relationships and romance!

1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
Some drama this year, particularly in the area of relationships. Double check the fine print before making any commitments. It will be an eventful year with mixed progress, but no insurmountable difficulties. A good year to study philosophy:) Next year, 2011, will be the year of the Rabbit, so 2010 is perfect for laying the foundations for the opportunities about to flow your way!

1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
You and the Tiger are kindred souls, so you will ride through the fireworks and spectacles of the Tiger year better than most. Be peaceful in your relationships with others, stay on the well worn path and you will do well. Keep risks to a minimum and check the details before entering into agreements.

1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
This year will be fast paced and packed with excitement, so be aware of your stress levels. The Snake should try to maintain his calm center and not get drawn into controversy. Occasional detours into meditation and reading will truly benefit your soul in 2010. You will feel recharged and freshly motivated to pursue your many ambitions.

1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
The Horse and the Tiger are in complete harmony with each other so this will be a fantastic year! You will be in your element, and your superior instincts will guide you smoothly from one adventure to the next. This is a great year for starting a business, getting married or having a child. You are highly favored so make the most of it!

1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
Moderate success is in store for the Sheep in 2010. There are many possibilities to increase your finances this year, and to gain acknowledgment from your peers. Don't be discouraged by setbacks. Try to maintain a sportsman like attitude and enjoy the challenges that come up because you will win in the end.

1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
You will be fine this year if you promise to behave yourself. The Tiger does not like to be teased, and of course, Monkeys excel at teasing. Remember this year the Tiger is the boss. Monkeys can climb much higher in the trees than the big cat. Do not do this. Keep your focus on projects already started and all will go well.

1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
The Rooster is a cautious character with a strong conservative streak. Don't let the fast pace of the Tiger year make you sloppy! Take your time and do your usual homework and your projects will move forward. There may be some worries in relationships, but they can be easily washed away with a dose of the Tiger's sentimentality.

1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
The doors of opportunity are opened wide to you this year because YOU are the tiger's best friend! Dogs and Tigers were cut from the same cloth, and share a realistic and humanistic view of the world. Start a new business, buy a house, go back to school, find real love - it all waits for you in 2010!

1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Be careful with your over-trusting nature in 2010. A Tiger year is full of surprises, false starts and inflated ideas, and it's easy for the Boar to get swept up in the excitement with high hopes. It's fine to have a positive outlook, but keep your feet and expectations rooted to the earth. It's a GREAT year for romance!

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