
Full Moon Eclipse on Winter Solstice

A light shines bright on the year's longest night

What does the night symbolize to you? Quietness... totality... darkness... cold... our inner world... and traditionally, our fears. It's the longest night of the year tonight - the Winter Solstice. Tomorrow when the sun rises it will be the start of a new solar year, because the days will grow longer from this point. Tomorrow morning we are all reborn.

But this Solstice is different because it contains a bright light - one that hasn't been seen in over 300 years! A full moon eclipse - meaning the earth will pass between the Moon and the Sun. There is huge tension in this event. How would you feel walking between two opposites generating huge culmination between them? There's a lot of energy in the air tonight. Be an observer of what happens in your life tonight. Try to remember your dreams.

A light shining in the darkness is such an ancient image. We all have the chance for some deep, personal revelations tonight. Ideas can pop up that will deepen and broaden our lives. Stop and take a look around - what's going on in your life right now? The answers will be there.

Wish I could get the video from the movie.. but you get the idea


5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible

oh dear.... this article by Bjorn Karhunen, Jacopo della Quercia is one of the funniest articles I've read in a long time. These guys read through the Bible (I hope) to find out once and for all if our religious archetypes can be found in the pages. Do angels have wings? Did the Devil always have horns? The result is their well written take on the subject ~