
Chiron goes Direct at 13°Pisces

Interesting article on the planet Chiron! One of my favorites! He is the "wounded healer", the great sage that trained all the Greek heroes. He represents our deepest wound which we need to heal. A friend shows up around the age of 50 when Chiron returns to it's place in our birth chart, to help guide us through this healing. It's also a time when we can "revisit" the issues that came up in our 20's with all the wisdom and experience we now have.

Chiron and Achilles c1922-1925 John Singer Sargent

Cosmic*Intelligence*Agency | Chiron goes Direct – 23rd November (13°Pisces)

 "This year’s retrograde of Chiron from 20th June (17°Pisces) to 23rd November (13°Pisces)
has spurred many of us into a spiritual recovery process where either through addressing current wounds, or by revisiting the wounds or impediments of our past, we may have been allowed to channel the pieces of our soul where we have become psychically disconnected or fragmented. The emphasis has been to go deep within and find the source of our
attachment to our “victim” nature, to reclaim, restore or retrieve aspects of our soul that may have caused a weakness or vulnerability to feeling spiritually abused or socially victimised. Of course, this process may have been aided or facilitated with the help of another, most likely someone who not only has a firsthand understanding of our
pain, but has provided the key to helping us gain a better understanding of how to bring it all back into perspective.

At this time of Chiron’s station (13°Pisces), we may feel the loss quite intensely. It is not uncommon to feel extremely sensitive and vulnerable to the psychic energies of those around us. As Chiron picks up speed to go direct, we will seek a reconnection to the
these most sophisticated wounds upon our deeply unconscious psyche. We can address these by either seeking out the compassionate counsel/guidance of someone who not only understands but is sympathetic to our pain, or otherwise become subjected to an open analytical assault upon our sensitivities by another, who seeks to press us to account about our apparent evasiveness and need to escape or squirm about feeling misunderstood or victimised. Either way, a lesson will be learned. It is up to ourselves to actively pursue a healing method which hopes to restore some spiritual fortitude, explore our psychic gifts, and once again move forward as a whole person."

- Ang Stoic

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