
Rest in Peace Rebel Princess



How childhood trauma could affect your life expectancy, relationships and mental health

This is an important article. If you feel you’ve suffered from childhood trauma, please get help and support. Please take it seriously. This is a common thread in many of the readings I do for people, and all of us deserve to find peace and happiness in our lives. Mindful Meditation is a fantastic method for dealing with these issues.
If this is you, please reach out and GET HELP.

Article by Sarah Young:
“Childhood abuse can create long-lasting scars, damage our perception of the world and set our brains to self-destruct until we are well into our 50s, say experts.
While the relationships that we form at a young age help us to develop, if they are destructive, they can negatively impact the rest of our lives.
Research has shown that childhood trauma, ranging from sexual abuse and parent’s divorce to alcoholism in the home, actually increases the odds of heart disease, stroke, depression and diabetes later on in life.
Furthermore, it also increases risky health behaviors such as smoking or having a large number of sexual partners, and even contributes to a lower life expectancy.
The study revealed that those traumatized as children, with six or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), died nearly 20 years earlier than those who had none.
As well as physical affects, these experiences are known to increase the risk of poor psychological health later.
Children who suffer trauma often grow to distrust others as a result of being betrayed by the very adults who are supposed to nurture and protect them, according to the Australian abuse support group Blue Knot Foundation.
Similarly, a study of more than 21,000 child abuse survivors age 60 and older in Australia revealed a much greater rate of failed marriages and relationships, with abuse survivors more  likely to rate themselves “not happy at all” or “not very happy.”
Other problems people with a history of child trauma are more likely to experience include depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, addiction to gambling and shopping, and low self-esteem.
Despite this, there are a number of therapies and tools known to help trauma survivors such as mindful meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy. “


Love for Oakland


I’m so moved and saddened by the lives taken in Ghost Ship fire Friday night. When I first heard the story, I understood exactly what it was, because myself and many of my friends have attended gatherings like these many times around the Bay Area. They are exuberant, liberating, creative, inspiring and energizing events for the underground artistic community. To me, they are the heartbeat of the Bay Area, and communities everywhere. I’ve personally been inspired musically by attending these events.
But I wasn’t ready to start seeing the faces and hearing the back stories of the people that perished. I feel rocked to my core this morning; helpless and grieving for the young lives lost. To me, the artists, writers, performers and musicians of this world are hugely important and VITAL – especially as the world is becoming more conservative and protectionist. The world desperately needed to hear more from these brilliant kids, who had their whole lives in front of them.
You can read some of their stories here.
What can be said? What can be done other than to grieve? There is something each of us can do for the ones we lost. We can speak up. We can get disciplined and get to work. We can express ourselves. And we can DO OUR ART. I’m picking up my guitar today in honor of them.


Neptunian Direct

Neptune Direct in Pisces today at 8:38pm Pacific
Excellent day to float around your house in a creative dream world, do Magick, draw, paint, write and ESPECIALLY make MUSIC!
Neptune, planet of fantasy, dreams, spirituality, clairvoyance, movies, divine power, spiritual strength, and the occult is standing still over our heads this weekend. It has been moving backward for the last several months and will turn forward, or Direct this evening at 8:38pm. When a planet is standing still or “stationing” overhead, it’s energy is more concentrated than usual, and greatly impacts our personal lives and society at large.
The influence this weekend is powerful because of this stationing – AND the fact that it’s happening IN Pisces – Neptune’s natural home. It’s cold and raining where I am; the two qualities of elemental WATER, which inspire us towards imagination, music and creativity. We want to stay in and watch movies or daydream – both very Neptunian activities. Pay attention to any intuitive insights or flashes of inspiration you receive, because the air is crackling with divine communication. The only thing to watch out for is escapism – don’t overdo drugs or alcohol right now because it will backfire on your efforts. Tap into the deep, spiritual eddies flowing around you, and embrace the current of Love. Write out your dreams because they contain powerful keys of inspiration and self knowledge.
From Mystic Medusa: “Neptune peeps can be hideously alluring, charming and yet deceptive. Haute Neptune is great art, mystics and people such as Jesus Christ. Low Neptune is, well, out of it. Neptune energy infuses your perceptions when you’re drunk or otherwise escaping or enhancing reality.
Some peeps give their whole life over to Neptune, never a particularly good idea.
You need to master Saturn before you can ‘do’ Neptune satisfactorily.  Neptune always makes me think of the kind of beach that has a steep drop all of a sudden and you can go from bopping about in the shallows, shore in sight, to swimming with slippery, deceptive and potentially dangerous sea monsters.
Neptune can break your heart. Via drugs, alcohol, madly escapist tendencies or those strange, addictive romances some people get hooked up in where the feelings evoked are nothing short of religious…but it’s basically hopeless.
Sometimes i get people emailing me who are clearly in the grip of Neptune – not drunk (?) but wanting my idea on when someone they last saw eight years ago but still hold our hope for might return. Or the classic someone-married scenario. I always want to tip an urn of Saturn-chilled ice water over them but nothing works when Neptune has gotten a grip.
You can have Neptune strong in your chart – in which case you need to get some good Saturn habits strong to augment the good qualities of Neptune – or you can have a powerful Neptune transit going on that renders you temporarily Neptunian. When you’re Neptunian, you get easy access to other realms – ghosts, visions, angels, spirit guides….dark matter maybe. You will have a Muse. You will be exquisitely sensitive….like a Medium. Every night your R.E.M. mind is a like a blockbuster epic movie.
So how Neptunian are you?  Do you have the “easy” or “challenging” aspects of Neptune to other planets in your chart. Never mind the sextile to Pluto. We’ve basically all got that one. Think more of what Neptune is doing to Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Ascendant.
Or are you having a Neptune transit?  For the next two years, Neptune hangs out in the late degrees of Aqua/early Pisces…So that’s your key Neptune zone. Also, if you’ve got anything in a late Fixed sign (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio) or early (up to three degrees) of a Mutable (Virgo, Saggo, Gemini) consider that Neptune haunted as well.
Also, how many of you got nearly drowned by a Lower Neptunian? Or had Neptune break their heart? I think it happens to lots of peeps when they’re young.”


Reclaiming The Radical Legacy of The Witch

Article by 

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about witches. Not just because top ten lists of hot tv witches and sexy Halloween selfies currently swamp my social media feeds, but because my tables and shelves are currently so laden with herbs, plants, berries, phials and bottles that if an inquisitor of old were to enter, I’d find myself quickly tied to the stake. And while this worry seems remote, it’s a plain fact that women in third world countries are still hunted down, tortured and set aflame for the crime of witchcraft.

Sure, the witch is emerging from the world of taboo and shadows onto the world stage. Sure, she’s being touted as a feminist icon  – a “powerful feminine model free from male influence or ownership”. But I’m not so sure. Because how can it be that the witch, once associated with everything transgressive and beyond the realm of normative society, is now so trendy and positively mainstream?  Is it really a feminist step forward that W magazine declared Fall 2016, the season of the witch, replete with pouting models in gothic dresses, chains and black lace underwear?

And while many believe the witch of the middle ages was a spectre created by the church, I believe she was real. Yes, many put to death were just ordinary women who practiced folk magic, herbalism and midwifery, but many were powerful spiritual leaders of the indigenous, animist faith traditions of the old world – and their magic was earned through a lifetime of spiritual discipline spent in communion with nature.

And I worry her make-over into nubile fashion siren not only obscures this history, but her true relevance as a role model to us today. One that if resurrected, would be just as subversive and dangerous to the powers that be. 

Today the witches tall black hat and burbling cauldron have become icons of Halloween kitsch, but they were once hallowed items of the holy women and priestesses, the healers and herbalists, the oracles and diviners of old Europe. Their conical hats and cauldrons date back to the 2nd Millennium BCE and were connected to the female shamans of the Indo-European peoples.


Their cauldrons (as well as crystal balls and magical wands) were still being used thousands of years later by the “witte wieven” or wise women, the sibyls, seers, and female druids of Celtic, Anglo Saxon, and Norse traditions of the middle ages.

According to Max Dashu, author Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion,  these “dream-readers, sooth-sayers, and herb-chanters, fire-gazers in Switzerland, or water-gazers in France and Spain”, practiced “all the elements of shamanism: chants, prophecy, healing, weather-making powers, and shapeshifting”. Legends tell of their sacred cauldrons in which “they simmered mysterious herbs to produce a drink of immortality and resurrection.”

These women were the guardians of the earth, the protectors of the sacred groves, lakes and springs, from which they derived their magical power. And until the middle ages they were highly respected, sought out and consulted for healing and divination by common folk, nobility and clergy alike.

But according to Barbara G. Walker , it was during the 14th century that the Catholic Church, during its relentless expansion and appropriation of sacred land, began to distinguish between witchcraft, perpetrated by women, and sorcery, a legitimate pursuit of men.


While books on sorcery were condoned well into the enlightenment, female witches in contrast were said to “magically injure crops, domestic animals, and people, and in general “outrage the Divine Majesty”. And thus their religious practices (as described by Dashu) of “sitting-out” on the land “gazing, listening, gathering wisdom” were extinguished by a priesthood that sought to bring nature, magic, women (not to mention their land and property) under male control.


These women did not go easily, or take usurpation of their holy sites and old ways lightly – it took the Church hundreds of years to hunt them down. And so it seems likely, at least to me,  that the stereotype of vengeful witch, casting curses and blighting crop, was real, at least for the church. She must have been the original eco-feminist, fighting the patriarchy with one of most powerful tools at her disposal, magic. And the Church took it pretty seriously indeed.”


Full Moon In Aries


Full Moon in Aries at 9:23pm Pacific, Saturday, October 15th.
The Full Moon was exact last night, but we are experiencing the effect today, Monday and Tuesday. It’s a VERY powerful Full Moon because it’s in a conjunction with Uranus (revolution, truth, rebellion and “shaking things up”).
This will be a dramatic week. The Full Moon will set off more disruptions and drama on the world stage. The last debate takes place this Wednesday – the same day as a conjunction (combining) between Mars (energy, war, men) and Pluto (toxic purification). Should be interesting! Mars and Pluto both rule Scorpio which is Clinton’s sign, so she should be able to ride the wave. Trump will have women coming out of the woodwork to challenge him, and his supporters will stay resolute.
This is a good week to take things a step at a time and be cautious in social interactions. Creativity is highly enhanced, especially if it goes outside of social norms. This is a week for the revolutionary, unconventional, rebellious genius to fully express herself or himself. Expect revelations regarding your life and personal belief systems. Do something physical; push yourself at the gym or exercise in nature. If you have some great truth to impart to someone, I would wait until next week.
The rest of October is about radical transformation, on a personal and social level.


Autumnal Equinox: horoscopes

Fall Equinox at 7:21am, Sun into Libra.
MERCURY DIRECT at 10:31pm last night, 9/21.
Libra: Love, Beauty, Harmony, Socializing, Parties, Negotiation, Friendship, Teamwork.

Welcome to Fall! The Autumnal Equinox marks the midpoint between Summer and Winter. Today we have equal day and equal night. Libra is about balance, harmony, justice, and partnerships of ALL kinds.

Today is referred to as the festival of Mabon. This is the second harvest festival of the year, the first being Lammas (August 1st) and the third being Halloween (October 31st). Whatever was started in March this year is now coming to fruition. It's harvest season, where we see the result of our labors. We reap what we have sown. It's the time to take stock of where you are in your life right now - what you've brought forth and what you still want to manifest.

Today we feel the turn of the wheel of the year. Standing in the middle of equal daylight to equal nighttime, we look at BALANCE. Are we out of balance in our lives? Are we taking care of ourselves? Are we working hard AND making time for our dreams and having fun too?

Mabon also relates to mid life; to our 40's and 50's when we have accomplished some things, but also might harbor regrets. The Equinox is a time to give yourself credit for all the wonderful things you've created and the positive difference you've made in the world. Honor your courage! And how much smarter you are now than when you were young.

This holiday was pivotal in ancient times, since a good final harvest was crucial to surviving the winter months ahead.  Relationships are reassessed so we can decide who is best to take into the harsh winter with us. If someone is draining your energy, now might be the time to let go.

Current Astrology:

     The Sun, Jupiter, and Venus are now in Libra, which is BIG energy. The Sun and Jupiter are the largest bodies in our system and radiate expanding, positive light. Jupiter will be in Libra for the next couple of years, giving new insights into the themes of relationships, teamwork, creativity, beauty and luxury.

Jupiter rules our beliefs, faith and truth. Now that Jupiter is in Libra, we will redefine our beliefs about partnerships. There will be a renewed interest to connect, make peace, and find balance. Meanwhile, Venus (ruler of Libra) is moving into Scorpio tomorrow giving a lot of intensity to the current themes in our lives. Avoid socially awkward situations and causing drama.

The horoscopes below take the Sun into account, as well as the ruler of your sign. Be sure to read your Sun sign AND Rising sign. The Rising Sign is the most accurate reflection of your chart when reading most horoscopes. You can calculate your Rising sign here.

Aries:  The Ram
     Partnerships of all kinds will be significant in your life over the next month (and year, with Jupiter's influence). The Sun, Jupiter, and Venus are in your House of Partnerships, bringing a new shift in relationships, faith, healing, expansion and balance.

Taurus:  The Bull
    Your ruler, Venus, is about to enter Scorpio, the sign of relationships and your polarity. Tomorrow begins a foreshadowing of the lessons this season will have for you. They aren't bad or good, just themes for you to work on. You've had some tests in your House of Work, Health and Habits over the last year, but with the entrance of the Sun and Jupiter into this area, you should be able to gain some new traction in daily life matters.

Gemini:  The Twins
     The Sun is in Libra, putting focus on your Romantic and Creative Life. Jupiter is there for the next year giving you huge opportunities to attract romance! Be sure and get out and socialize a lot. Good luck also comes in the form of creative partnerships. Your ruler, Mercury just went Direct last night too, so you are in forward motion again.

Cancer:  The Crab
     Cancerians love their home environments, so you will be thrilled to know that the skies are sending you ample opportunities for home improvement and social gatherings.
The next year also supports you healing your ties with your family of origin, and increasing your self knowledge and faith. It's a time of digging into your roots and healing your soul.

Leo:  The Lion
    The Sun and Jupiter are shining in your House of Learning and Communication this month. You will love this because your self expression will get a huge boost. Speaking, creativity, visibility in your community will all be expanded for the next two years. Meanwhile Saturn brings maturity to how you communicate with important relationships and your neighborhood pals:)

Virgo:  The Virgin
   Your ruler, Mercury, is giving you a last birthday present by turning Direct in your sign last night, AND at an auspicious degree! New, positive, forward motion has begun. Meanwhile the Sun and Jupiter are in Libra, and the focus shifts to your financial world. For the next year ask yourself, what do you value most? And what is the truth about what you value?

Libra:  The Scales
     It's birthday season! The Sun and Jupiter have entered Libra and the spotlight is on YOU! It's the rebirth of your identity for the next solar year. Who are you now? It's time to set goals for where you'd like to be this time next year. Your ruler, Venus, is moving into Scorpio tomorrow giving some intensity to your relationships.

Scorpio:  The Scorpion
     All the action is in your 12th House of spiritual strength, solitude, artistry, universal connection and the soul. It's the place you retreat to for healing, safety and security. The inner planets will be visiting you there over the next month to assist you in clearing cobwebs and brightening up the place. You ruler, Mars is traveling with Saturn through Sagittarius, bringing focus to your TRUTH and faith. 

Sagittarius:  The Archer
     Had some romance lately? Uranus (sudden events) and Jupiter (good fortune) are hosting a party in your House of Romance right now. Jupiter enlarges your social circle and Uranus brings unusual and revolutionary people into your love life and creative work! Jupiter is also your ruler, so wherever he travels brings focus. The theme of your life for the next year is a reality check with your personal truth, and an expansion of your friendships and social network.

Capricorn:  The Goat
     Saturn, your ruler, is still moving through Sagittarius in your House of Spiritual Connection. What's the reality of your ambitions, and are you including your spiritual life in your plans? Do they still suit you and do you need a change? Saturn isn't big on changes, but DOES support your climb up the steep mountain to reach your goal. Think about what that goal is and shift it if necessary. Remember you have Pluto in your sign right now, and that's a VERY powerful ally. He brings up toxic energy to be purged and healed. Also, you will see good luck regarding career and public image over the next two years.

Aquarius:  The Water Bearer
     The Sun and Jupiter are traversing your House of Life Perspective right now. The next two years is a time of education, training and travel. The transit of Jupiter in Libra expands your mind, faith, self knowledge and personal philosophy. Your ruler, Uranus, is still in Aries which lights a fire under you, and brings confidence, optimism and ambition to your peaceful and humanitarian perspectives.

Pisces:  The Fishes
     All the action is in your 8th house for the next year! This area of your chart represents Other People's Money - i.e. banks, loans, real estate, rentals and credit. Don't overspend. Kinda boring stuff for artistic Pisces, but with the Sun and Jupiter there it's a great time to negotiate with authority and solidify your relationships. You can attract helpful people to your life right now. This house also relates to SEX, so it could be a hot and steamy year for you!


New Moon in Virgo and Mercury Retrograde

Tom Bagshaw
New Moon in Virgo: 5:03am.
Solar Eclipse at 9 Virgo: 5:07am.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo all month.
Sun, Moon, Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo. That’s a LOT of action in the skies right now where Virgo falls in your chart. You can find your chart here, or set up a reading with me here.
Saturn at 10 Sagittarius
Mars at 13 Sagittarius
Neptune at 10 Pisces
It’s time for us to get organized and clear on our priorities as the Earth turns towards Autumn. How do you want to live this Winter? With Saturn and Mars squaring this eclipse, and Neptune opposing, we need to get serious and assess where we put our energy. How do you spend most of your day? What have you been ignoring? Where are you in fantasy? Today is a giant reality check. This is heavy energy so be gentle with yourself.
The North Node (destiny) is in the middle of this eclipse, leading us to our future. This is a wonderful aspect, allowing us to let go of the past and clear a path forward. You can actually get a glimpse of your future if you pay attention.
And regarding the Mercury Retrograde? Don’t freak out. Just try not to sign anything important or make large ticket purchases. Hold off on doing mercurial Magick until it’s done.
Whatever starts today and this weekend will build over the next two weeks. Huge opportunity for healing but focus on being of service to others.
Jupiter is entering Libra on September 9th which sets off a two year cycle of focus on partnerships of all kinds. What was happening in your life 12 years ago? Those issues are about to be revisited in September. You can also connect with like-minded people.

"What is Mercury Retrograde?
Three times a year (sometimes four), the planet Mercury appears to move backwards in its orbit. Do planets really move backwards? No. But a difference in orbital speeds creates the illusion of Mercury moving backwards.

What does Mercury represent in astrology?

In astrology, Mercury is the planet that symbolizes speaking, writing, critical thinking, information, the five senses, education, the mind, travel, transportation, movement, contracts, the market, duality, twins, and siblings.
Of course I cannot tell you what you should and should not do, but these activities are considered inauspicious during Mercury Retrograde: signing contracts, buying electronics, buying a car, and traveling — all Mercury ruled activities.

Other things to keep in mind?

  • The retrograde is about review.
  • Mercury Retrograde should not cause anxiety. Don’t spend three weeks in total fear of making the wrong move. Fear is the lowest energy to create from and you are an aspect of the Creator made physical. Work with Mercury Retrograde. Go back to something that’s been on the back burner. Revise a manuscript. Try a different path. Meditate and reflect."

"A month with two eclipses and Mercury Retrograde is NOT for a sudden move - it is for staying grounded. Pace yourself."


Life is Music

Alan Watts – Why Your Life Is Not A Journey

“A film I made last night based on my favourite quotes from Alan Watts about how the way of looking at your life as a journey can be the most destructive way. Please have a listen to his wise words.” – David Lindberg

Scenes from Tree of Life
Music: Sleeping at Last – Saturn

Alan Watts - Why Your Life Is Not A Journey from David Lindberg on Vimeo.


inspiration No. 1

You wanna fly,
you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.

– Toni Morrison


Full Moon in Capricorn/ Saturn in Sagittarius

Today’s Full Moon in Capricorn occurred at 3:57pm Pacific, but the energy will be alive all week. The sign of Capricorn is deep, old Earth so tend to practical matters. The focus this week is on work, home, health and reality (these are Earthy things). Capricorn the Goat knows how to pick his way over impossible terrain to find the pot of gold on the other side. We need this determination, because this Full Moon is sitting on Pluto, which currently retrograding in Capricorn.
Pluto is the great catalyst. It brings up toxic sludge to be purged, so an individual can rebirth themselves. Since the Full Moon is sitting at the exact degree of Pluto, this toxic stuff will be emotional in nature. If you can be gentle with yourself and walk through this week, the uncovered treasure you find within yourself could be revolutionary.
Meanwhile Mercury and Venus are blasting through Leo in their own conjunction. This highlights the artist within us, giving us free rein to boldly express ourselves with perfect, golden language.

Saturn in Sagittarius

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is traversing Sagittarius for three years (we’re halfway through). This transit asks us to get serious about our beliefs OR to restructure them. Our life philosophies and inner truths are being reworked and matured, so we can live on a solid foundation.


Saturn into Sagittarius

The Path, by Reginald W. Machell
“The Path” by Reginald W. Machell
Full Moon in Sagittarius occurred at 4:02am Pacific today, and we all got a glimpse (or a big jolt) about our future path. The ruler of Sagittarius is the huge planet Jupiter – ruler of optimism, expansion, joviality, luck and money. This week it’s conjunct the North Node of the Moon which symbolizes The Future. Whenever the North Node is involved, our destiny appears. What insights did you receive today? What showed up in your life? This is your personal message about your path.
This Full Moon is intensified by Saturn in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. It was exact three days ago and impacts the energy of this moon. This is our dream meeting practical reality – and it can be painful. Saturn comes along, rips off our rose colored glasses and tests us on our personal beliefs. Saturn in Sagittarius is our truth and belief appearing as a wake up call. Neptune in Pisces gives us a vision of our lives that we never imagined before. We are each starting a new phase in our lives.
From Mystic Medusa:
"Sagittarius is the Archer, the Centaur, the court jester who tells the truth, the wanderer and the party come to life. All that.
And where you have Sagittarius in your chart is where you want to be absolutely free.
Yes, other houses in the chart lend themselves to rebellion and do-thy-own thing as well but your Saggo area is where you’ll take off out the back door when nobody is looking.  It’s where any obligation or expectation feels like blinkers, a bit and a bridle on wild-horse you and it doesn’t matter WHO  t.f you offend:  You are outta there.
Your Saggo area is where you don’t even have to think about or try to arrange being free –  you just ARE free there. If not? It’s terribly bad for you.
The house with Sagittarius on the cusp is where you kind of have hippy values and heaven help the poor sod who attempts to impose another paradigm onto your easy-come-easy-go-just-loving-the-sun-on-my-skin-breeze-in-my-hair-living-the-now policy."
Sagittarius is the truth that we find after our underworld journey in Scorpio.
Once we eliminate what had been holding us back (Scorpio), we can begin to expand our horizons (Sagittarius).  If Scorpio is the journey within, Sagittarius is the journey to far off and exotic lands.

BUT Saturn has also a mysterious dimension and we see it at times like now - between now and Xmas Eve, Saturn traverses the very end of Scorpio and it's like a little time warp. Ready or not, people and information will flow into your life that will prompt the most intense recollection of times gone by - yes, even if you Do live resolutely in the Now and for good reasons.

But the poignant echoes and feeling almost forced to reflect on cycles in your life is a part of this time so you do it with (i think) a lofty and inquiring attitude - okay, what DID you glean from that morsel of info or sudden memory flash?  This is Saturn at the end of Scorpio - there will be a most pertinent insight to be gathered from even the most random past montage or reanimation - you just have to get to it.

September 18 2015 – December 2017
It will be like a revelation, a coming out into the light, the focus of this week and this yuletide time of 2014, is Saturn moving into Sagittarius, 4:33pm 23rd December 2014 UT. After all this time Saturn in Scorpio finally moves off into Sagittarius for 6 months. “Trumpets sound and angels sing” seems very appropriate and worth a bit of a celebration, for the heaviness of Saturn  in Scorpio has been a trial of emotional upheaval, trust, money wars, control and power issues that have reared there unavoidable ugly heads, but have made us into who we are today, stronger, braver, and ready to take the next steps.
Watch for he shift, as Xmas conversations around family diners, lunches, BBQ’s  get more heated. Instead of holding in, or holding back for the sake of peace, or mum, or husband, or friend and like true Sagittarius, we let it rip, the spanner of truth gets set off into the works. We take control of situations not through emotional blackmail, but by letting it out, saying what we mean, meaning what we say, no matter what the consequences, it has to be done. After the deeper inner world experience of Scorpio, in Sagittarius all becomes wilder, freer and clearer, for that is the purpose. Yet remember as the Sagittarian will gets stronger, it does so for everybody. The dogma, the right way, this is the only way to see things, can be expressed in so many ways. Not all of which shall be so inspiring.
We are talking about Saturn here, the planet with the heaviest of archetypal meanings, structure, control, autonomy, authority, bounds and boundaries, work, commitment, responsibility,  put that with the openness of Sagittarius, the universal,  experience seeking, future oriented, high minded traveller and adventurer!
What type of images are formed? Her is an idea!
Saturn   – Sagittarius
Control –  Freedom
Closed – Open
Structure – The reason?
Autonomy – Sag love that!
Authority – Well I am the authority
Do it right – Don’t I always
Bounds – Yeah I’m into it, will it hurt?
Boundaries – Never
Rules – What for?
Commitment – Committed
Responsibility – Sorry I have to go, got other things to do
Lessons – but I know it all don’t I?
Get the idea? Saturn needs to loosen up and Sagittarius needs to gets serious. Will it ever happen? That is the exact tests of this time approaching. Lessons in Sagittarius! Can Saturn ever loosen up, well one thing really important to know here is that Saturn, the planet a gas giant, has a physical mass that could float on water, physically it is not a lead weight that the astrology of the past 1000’s of years has attributed to it. And think  about it heavy objects can fly, just look at a Jumbo Jet, defying gravity and taking off. It’s the ties that bind,  the heaviness we bring on ourselves, what we thing can’t be achieved or isn’t possible that we need to consider here with Saturn in Sagittarius.  Saturn is about control, who controls your life? Our beliefs will now take a firm hold of Saturn and the importance of living our own truth becomes ever so important. With Jupiter in Leo till mid next year also tests of faith come around in many ways.
For anyone with Sagittarius planets,  or angles, Saturn will now begin a firming, consolidating test to your faith, your faith in life and what you can make of it. How committed you are in living it, doing it, being it! For others with mutable angles and planets, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini, the tests may not be as harsh or trying, yet the signature is to stabilise with Saturn, stabilise what we mean, what we know, what we do, how we do it. Great time to finish and consolidate studies and something we really believe in. It’s not a time for giving in or giving up, but seeing things through, if they are true and if they are not, well you already know. If we don’t  believe in it , ask yourself what are you doing it for. Sagittarius seeks “meaningful”!
 Saturn is a great teacher in all aspects of life, after the lessons learnt in Scorpio,we move off to Sagittarius, a great teacher too, yet in the higher meaning of life. Saturn’s tests are all about needing to master the next steps in time. Together during this transit we put together mastering  all we know, consolidating the truth by which we live,  believing and having faith in what we are building, doing, seeking, and doing it all as right, according to us!
As you are doing it so will others be, so be prepared for some dogmatic, law affirming restrictions being imposed around us, especially through governments and authorities, travel restrictions and the like. Although we will be aiming to stand by our worldly freedom rights, continue to fight for what is right in this world, the law may have other ideas and the struggle will be to fight to remain freer than ever for the heaviness will be more apparent.

Good luck with it all, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!


Muhammad Ali's astrology chart

Shepard Fairey
Excellent post from Mystic Medusa:
"So he was a Solar Capricorn and that Sun in Capricorn strengthened by being part of a Grand Earth Trine – Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune in Virgo. Big Earth Vibe like this often manifests as physical prowess, fantastic feats of athleticism and material grounding.
But see also the Leo Rising and the chutzpah it took to come out with some of his more brazen maxims. “I am the greatest – i said that before i even knew that I was.”
See also the Moon, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius. Moon-Mercury in Aquarius is activist by instinct – dissent is second nature to the psyche albeit in contrast to the more security, hierarchy-appreciating Earth energy.  Venus is Retro and square Saturn, suggesting challenges in relationships with (Venus) women.
Mars and Saturn aligned with the Midheaven is a classic indicator of an enduring fame or ‘brand’ if you like.
The mid-60s era when he changed his name – dropping his “slave name” – and religion before becoming a conscientious objector against the Vietnam War was as Pluto and Uranus were crossing over his North Node."

Muhammad Ali chart