Showing posts with label June. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June. Show all posts


Saturn into Sagittarius

The Path, by Reginald W. Machell
“The Path” by Reginald W. Machell
Full Moon in Sagittarius occurred at 4:02am Pacific today, and we all got a glimpse (or a big jolt) about our future path. The ruler of Sagittarius is the huge planet Jupiter – ruler of optimism, expansion, joviality, luck and money. This week it’s conjunct the North Node of the Moon which symbolizes The Future. Whenever the North Node is involved, our destiny appears. What insights did you receive today? What showed up in your life? This is your personal message about your path.
This Full Moon is intensified by Saturn in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. It was exact three days ago and impacts the energy of this moon. This is our dream meeting practical reality – and it can be painful. Saturn comes along, rips off our rose colored glasses and tests us on our personal beliefs. Saturn in Sagittarius is our truth and belief appearing as a wake up call. Neptune in Pisces gives us a vision of our lives that we never imagined before. We are each starting a new phase in our lives.
From Mystic Medusa:
"Sagittarius is the Archer, the Centaur, the court jester who tells the truth, the wanderer and the party come to life. All that.
And where you have Sagittarius in your chart is where you want to be absolutely free.
Yes, other houses in the chart lend themselves to rebellion and do-thy-own thing as well but your Saggo area is where you’ll take off out the back door when nobody is looking.  It’s where any obligation or expectation feels like blinkers, a bit and a bridle on wild-horse you and it doesn’t matter WHO  t.f you offend:  You are outta there.
Your Saggo area is where you don’t even have to think about or try to arrange being free –  you just ARE free there. If not? It’s terribly bad for you.
The house with Sagittarius on the cusp is where you kind of have hippy values and heaven help the poor sod who attempts to impose another paradigm onto your easy-come-easy-go-just-loving-the-sun-on-my-skin-breeze-in-my-hair-living-the-now policy."
Sagittarius is the truth that we find after our underworld journey in Scorpio.
Once we eliminate what had been holding us back (Scorpio), we can begin to expand our horizons (Sagittarius).  If Scorpio is the journey within, Sagittarius is the journey to far off and exotic lands.

BUT Saturn has also a mysterious dimension and we see it at times like now - between now and Xmas Eve, Saturn traverses the very end of Scorpio and it's like a little time warp. Ready or not, people and information will flow into your life that will prompt the most intense recollection of times gone by - yes, even if you Do live resolutely in the Now and for good reasons.

But the poignant echoes and feeling almost forced to reflect on cycles in your life is a part of this time so you do it with (i think) a lofty and inquiring attitude - okay, what DID you glean from that morsel of info or sudden memory flash?  This is Saturn at the end of Scorpio - there will be a most pertinent insight to be gathered from even the most random past montage or reanimation - you just have to get to it.

September 18 2015 – December 2017
It will be like a revelation, a coming out into the light, the focus of this week and this yuletide time of 2014, is Saturn moving into Sagittarius, 4:33pm 23rd December 2014 UT. After all this time Saturn in Scorpio finally moves off into Sagittarius for 6 months. “Trumpets sound and angels sing” seems very appropriate and worth a bit of a celebration, for the heaviness of Saturn  in Scorpio has been a trial of emotional upheaval, trust, money wars, control and power issues that have reared there unavoidable ugly heads, but have made us into who we are today, stronger, braver, and ready to take the next steps.
Watch for he shift, as Xmas conversations around family diners, lunches, BBQ’s  get more heated. Instead of holding in, or holding back for the sake of peace, or mum, or husband, or friend and like true Sagittarius, we let it rip, the spanner of truth gets set off into the works. We take control of situations not through emotional blackmail, but by letting it out, saying what we mean, meaning what we say, no matter what the consequences, it has to be done. After the deeper inner world experience of Scorpio, in Sagittarius all becomes wilder, freer and clearer, for that is the purpose. Yet remember as the Sagittarian will gets stronger, it does so for everybody. The dogma, the right way, this is the only way to see things, can be expressed in so many ways. Not all of which shall be so inspiring.
We are talking about Saturn here, the planet with the heaviest of archetypal meanings, structure, control, autonomy, authority, bounds and boundaries, work, commitment, responsibility,  put that with the openness of Sagittarius, the universal,  experience seeking, future oriented, high minded traveller and adventurer!
What type of images are formed? Her is an idea!
Saturn   – Sagittarius
Control –  Freedom
Closed – Open
Structure – The reason?
Autonomy – Sag love that!
Authority – Well I am the authority
Do it right – Don’t I always
Bounds – Yeah I’m into it, will it hurt?
Boundaries – Never
Rules – What for?
Commitment – Committed
Responsibility – Sorry I have to go, got other things to do
Lessons – but I know it all don’t I?
Get the idea? Saturn needs to loosen up and Sagittarius needs to gets serious. Will it ever happen? That is the exact tests of this time approaching. Lessons in Sagittarius! Can Saturn ever loosen up, well one thing really important to know here is that Saturn, the planet a gas giant, has a physical mass that could float on water, physically it is not a lead weight that the astrology of the past 1000’s of years has attributed to it. And think  about it heavy objects can fly, just look at a Jumbo Jet, defying gravity and taking off. It’s the ties that bind,  the heaviness we bring on ourselves, what we thing can’t be achieved or isn’t possible that we need to consider here with Saturn in Sagittarius.  Saturn is about control, who controls your life? Our beliefs will now take a firm hold of Saturn and the importance of living our own truth becomes ever so important. With Jupiter in Leo till mid next year also tests of faith come around in many ways.
For anyone with Sagittarius planets,  or angles, Saturn will now begin a firming, consolidating test to your faith, your faith in life and what you can make of it. How committed you are in living it, doing it, being it! For others with mutable angles and planets, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini, the tests may not be as harsh or trying, yet the signature is to stabilise with Saturn, stabilise what we mean, what we know, what we do, how we do it. Great time to finish and consolidate studies and something we really believe in. It’s not a time for giving in or giving up, but seeing things through, if they are true and if they are not, well you already know. If we don’t  believe in it , ask yourself what are you doing it for. Sagittarius seeks “meaningful”!
 Saturn is a great teacher in all aspects of life, after the lessons learnt in Scorpio,we move off to Sagittarius, a great teacher too, yet in the higher meaning of life. Saturn’s tests are all about needing to master the next steps in time. Together during this transit we put together mastering  all we know, consolidating the truth by which we live,  believing and having faith in what we are building, doing, seeking, and doing it all as right, according to us!
As you are doing it so will others be, so be prepared for some dogmatic, law affirming restrictions being imposed around us, especially through governments and authorities, travel restrictions and the like. Although we will be aiming to stand by our worldly freedom rights, continue to fight for what is right in this world, the law may have other ideas and the struggle will be to fight to remain freer than ever for the heaviness will be more apparent.

Good luck with it all, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!


Jupiter and Venus in Leo

If you look into a clear, Western sky tomorrow at sundown, you will see two lovely stars sitting close to each other in the twilight. They are Jupiter and Venus, and are forming a perfect conjunction in Leo right now.  Venus (Love) has been chasing Jupiter (Fortune) for weeks and has finally caught up with the giant King planet. By tomorrow they appear as one star, depending on your location.

This is SO auspicious for love, art, prosperity and general well being. Venus and Jupiter are two of the "positive" planets or "benefics". They bring ease, comfort and abundance wherever they transit a person's chart. The fact that they are forming "one star" is a significant blending of these two positive forces. The conjunction occurring in the sign of Leo fuels the positive, heart centered vibe. This is an epic event and will continue for the next few months.

Leo is ruled by the Sun (another benefic) and awakens the heart. It enhances romance, art, self expression, money, leadership and healing. Leo shines. Business, romance, creativity and performance are highlighted. Jupiter and Venus are also forming a trine or positive angle to Uranus in Aries, which can bring surprises and sudden events. Uranus is the "genius eccentric" and inspires ground breaking creativity. This aspect further expands the love/philosophy vibe from Venus and Jupiter. Whatever you start right now will increase.

Source image : The Alchemical and Rosicrucian Compendium ca. 1760.

From the Cosmic Intelligence Agency:
"During this Jupiter 20° Leo and Uranus 20° Aries trine, Mercury 9° Gemini 9° square Neptune 9 ° Pisces, and Mars at 29° Gemini makes an awkward aspect to Saturn at 28° Scorpio the inconjunct 150°. The trick is always to layer transits by their effect in your natal chart, which ones are hitting off natal degrees and angles.
Jupiter and Uranus - ignite the area of change and expansion
Mercury and Neptune - add a sense of confusion, faith and believing in outcomes is required, and a re-imagining
Mars and Saturn - It's like the brakes are on, but they are on for a reason, so don't fly off too fast. Some things are just not in place yet.

According to Copernicus in "De revolutionibus orbis", Hermes Trismegistus called the sun a visible god - the alchemists equated the sun with gold, the purest of metals, which represented the perfection of all matter, material and spiritual. The sun has been an important object of worship throughout the ages and in various cultures. We will be offering you images based on "Signs & Symbols of the Sun" by Elizabeth S. Helfman, New York: The Seabury Press, 1974, a book which presents images of the sun from the Sumerians and the Egyptians to the Indians and Inuit.

Astrologers believe that the sun passes through different constellations of stars every thirty days in the year. The twelve constellations have signs known as signs of the zodiac. Astrologers say that a person’s life is influenced by the sign under which he or she was born. The sign Leo, the lion, in the last third of July and the first two thirds of August, is governed by the sun itself. Leo is a fiery sign; orange is its color, and the metal associated with it is gold. Just so, the alchemists associated gold with the sun. To the astrologers the sun is a symbol of power and good fortune."


Mercury Direct today!

Mercury turns Direct today at 3:32pm. If you've had a rough three weeks, things will be changing direction for the better, especially if you are a Gemini or a Virgo!

This week is still in flux though. When a planet changes direction in the sky it appears to stop and hover above us. If you were to watch Mercury through a telescope this week, it would appear motionless. When a planet "hovers", it's presence is magnified. Since Mercury rules communication and understanding, you can expect the Truth to be popping up in conversations. The air will be cleared and situations will reset themselves.

This event is heightened by the planet Neptune which is also slowing down and going retrograde tomorrow night. Neptune rules feelings, so if something doesn't feel right, Mercury will make sure you speak up!


New Moon in June Horoscopes

image: "A Trip to the Moon", 1902, Georges Méliès

New Moon in Cancer: Friday, June 27, 2014 at 1:08am PDT

Sun, Moon, Jupiter in Cancer
Saturn in Scorpio
Neptune and Chiron in Pisces

That's seven planets in Water signs! This is a time of great sensitivity, emotion, and solid growth. We can access our inner world in ways that bring new meaning to our lives. ESPECIALLY with our past. With Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron all retrograde, we can achieve new levels of understanding and healing of our personal histories. Our ability to create solid foundations is powerful because we understand where we come from - but in a brand new way. Pay attention to insights that come to you. We are being asked to evolve - whether we feel ready or not. Some new projects might be stalled because of the retrograde action, but we're building a solid foundation for all our new ideas.

The sign of Cancer reminds us of our home and foundations. This is the zodiac sign of the family, and the people in our lives that nurture us and commit to our growth. If you've been running on empty the last few weeks, it's time to step back and take care of yourself. You can't help others if you're depleted. You need to feed your soul.

Check out the horoscopes below for your Sun sign AND your Rising sign. For my horoscopes the Rising Sign is the most important aspect. You can figure out your Rising sign (or Ascendant) here for free.

Aries:  The Ram  Sun and Jupiter in Cancer shines in your Home and places where you spend most of your time. You have the ability to drastically improve your living situation right now, and if anything changes around your home, you can assume it's for the better. Now is the time to clear the clutter because good luck will be flowing into your home for the next month, and you want to make room for it! Just be careful not to overspend on luxury, stay within your means. The Fourth House also symbolizes the foundation of your being, so some positive insights about yourself might develop.

Taurus:  The Bull The Sun and Jupiter are dancing in your House of Communication. You might be wanting some attention or acknowledgment from the people in your life and you will get it! This is a sociable and fast-paced month for you. Family relationships are highlighted, everything goes smoothly. With Saturn directly opposite you in Scorpio, you could also find your love and business partners are solid and dependable.

Gemini:  The Twins  The Sun and Jupiter make a powerful, auspicious team in your House of Money. If you're restless with your job, now is the time to find something much better. Wait until July to sign agreement though - that's when your ruler Mercury is Direct. Money might come from unexpected sources too. Just be careful about accumulating too much stuff, because Jupiter is expansive. Insights about yourself come from things you value.

Cancer:  The Crab  The two largest and most positive planets in the sky are shining down on you right now. It's your birthday and the universe is conspiring to give you HUGE presents. Riches will come to you from the way you experience the world. Especially from your confidence, which is sky high. It's a good time for a health regimen since Jupiter can make you gain weight. Insights will come regarding your appearance and identity.

Leo:  The Lion  Jupiter and the Sun are brightening up your House of Self Undoing, shining light into some of the dark corners of your mind. Sometimes the month before one's birthday can be challenging, but with these two bright lights in your 12th House, things will be much easier for you. What are some of your negative habits that no longer serve you? What do you need to let go of? This is a hugely positive placement because these planets are lighting up your Blind Spot, giving you a unique chance to see things you don't always see.

Virgo:  The Virgin  The Sun and Jupiter are shining in your House of Friendships. This means riches and opportunity will flow from your friends and social circle for the next month. It might not just be money either - might be support, help or wisdom. New wealthy friends are also indicated. This is the area of Hopes and Wishes, and with Jupiter and the Sun here you might make some real progress with your ideas. Just remember to do the practical work to make them manifest.

Libra:  The Scales  The two largest and most positive planets in the sky are shining in your House of Career! Now is DEFINITELY the time to ask for a raise (actually July is best, after the Mercury Retrograde) or look for that whale of a job. Opportunities and career expansion are yours - people in authority will become your benefactors and your timing will be perfect. 

Scorpio:  The Scorpion 

The Sun and Jupiter will be lighting up your House of Perspective for the next month along with Saturn (Timing and Harvest) in Scorpio! Now is a good time to take a trip or go back to school because your timing is impeccable and the universe will support it. You could train for a lucrative career right now. With Saturn in Scorpio, the whole structure of your life is changing.

Sagittarius:  The Archer  The Sun/Jupiter conjunction impacts your House of Other People's Money - which puts you on easy street for the next month. Riches come through banks, lenders and real estate - just don't bite off more than you can chew. With this placement, people in authority will be impressed with you and give you whatever you want (pretty much). By the way... this house also rules sex :)

Capricorn:  The Sea Goat  The Sun and Jupiter are moving into your House of Partnerships! Fulfillment and riches will come through relationships for the next month. Take a look at the partners in your life because they will take on a new importance. Jupiter can make people overconfident too, so just be aware of that. All in all this is a great year to make a serious commitment, enter into a business contract or get married.

Aquarius:  The Water Bearer  Jupiter and the Sun light up your House of Work and Health. I bet you'll get a raise or your job will become effortless. You'll have no trouble meeting your day to day expenses for the next month. Watch for a stroke of luck with regards to work and health. Jupiter can bring weight gain, so watch out for that too. 

Pisces:  The Fish  The Sun (Fulfillment) and Jupiter (Riches) are in your House of Romance! This is very lucky, so I recommend you get out and socialize. You could find a fulfilling relationship this month. This House also rules Creativity, so this is a highly expansive month for artists, musicians and writers. You could become prolific and find positive benefactors or a fan base. The art and love in your life are going to expand enormously.


May/June Horoscopes!! Sun in Gemini

Mercury turned Direct last week, just in time for the sun's move into Gemini this Thursday, May 20th. It's a great time to get social and put your plans into action! Mercury is moving slowly through Taurus right now, so take a practical look at the ideas you have, and build a solid foundation for them. The horoscopes below take the sun into account, as well as the ruler of your sign and the huge alignments coming this summer!

Aries:  The Ram

      First, your ambitions: your ruler, Mars, is still in Leo until June 6th! Get clear on what's most important to you and your heart, and then spend the next two weeks pouring your energy into these projects! With Mercury and the Sun's influence it's a great time to solidify agreements too.
     On the Love front you need to be sweet to your partner because Venus is going into Cancer. This means SENSITIVE... which is not your strongest point. Lots of money and exciting sudden changes coming in June!

Taurus:  The Bull

      This year's birthday transformed you. Hopefully you've come out the other side filled with vigor and ready to charge ahead. Mercury turned around in Taurus last week and is slowly gaining momentum. You can finally move forward with your plans and even make some new ones!
     Regarding Love, Saturn is turning Direct in Virgo (your house of Love) on May 31st. Since January there's been a deeper understanding of you and your relationship. Now you'll move forward with your partner in a deeper and more mature way. Your ruler, Venus, is going into Cancer - placing the emphasis on communicating.

Gemini:  The Twins

      It's birthday season! The Sun enters Gemini this Thursday, May 20th putting the spotlight on YOU! Your ruler Mercury is now going Direct - ready to send some wonderful presents your way. Mercury is still plodding through Taurus, but will pick up speed and enter your sign on June 10th. Be gentle with yourself as you practice manifesting the deep growth you've had over the past few weeks.
     Venus is entering Cancer this week (your House of Finances) which is very fortunate! Venus attracts, and here it attracts MONEY... also what you value and your security. In June there will be a big focus on friendships, and this summer your social life will set off fireworks.

Cancer:  The Crab

      Venus, planet of Love and Beauty will be entering your sign this week! It will give you an unearthly glow and people will be drawn to you. I know you are the zodiac's homebody, but the next month is your time to stand out and be noticed! Leave your crab shell at home and get out and meet people. With Mercury still trudging through Taurus, there's lots of restructuring going on in your house of Friendships.
      This is also the time of contemplation before your birthday season. The Gemini Sun will illuminate and guide you down the back roads of your hidden potentials, preparing you for solar rebirth in late June. Pay attention to the fertile ground of visions and ideas that float through your mind. They will lead you in the best direction for the year ahead.

Leo:  The Lion

      All the drive and fire you've been feeling on a personal level the last few months is about to shift. On June 6th Mars leaves Leo for Virgo, and sets off a purge and reorganization of your financial world. This is a good thing because Saturn has been marching backwards thru your financial house for several weeks causing all sorts of challenges and instability. Mars is a powerful driving force that will get things going in the right direction. And with the Virgo influence, the details won't get overlooked.
     The Sun is your ruler though and it's going into Gemini, your house of Friendships. The Sun rules this house and so you should feel very at home, especially with the people around you. Unexpected Fortune also applies to this house, as well as aspirations, hopes and wishes! Who do you want to surround yourself with? What tribe would you like to join? What fortunes and friendships are you open to receiving?

Virgo:  The Virgin

      You're going to be BUSY the next month! busy busy busy! Since April 8th you've been reliving the past with Saturn backing up into your sign. Now Mars is about to enter Virgo giving tons of energy to your practical plans. Mars doesn't like to get wrapped up in your details, so if you can let go of your pickiness and paint with broad stokes, you might get more done.The keyword for you is ACTION. Be like Nike and "just do it"!
       On the other side of your chart we have the Sun and Mercury entering your house of Career and Public Acclaim. You can make tremendous progress in your career over the next month. Don't be afraid to become visible, to stand out above the rest. It's a great time to set realistic goals and make them happen! Also, stay in touch with your friends. They can be a great source of warmth for you at this time.

Libra:  The Scales

      Of all the signs in the zodiac, yours will be experiencing the greatest attention from the cosmos in the upcoming months. I don't even know where to begin. You have Saturn (maturity) and Mars (force) doing a strange dance in your 12th house. The 12th is the house of spirituality, strength, humanity... but also psychological issues and secrets. It's where we hide out (or experience solitude). With Mars and Saturn here, you will experience an excavation that will impact your self esteem for the better. It will be a slow gradual shift, very subtle, but it will occur.
      In the midst of this transformation you will focus on your relationships - especially partnerships of all kinds. The people around you will become mirrors, creating a catalyst for the deeper transformations occurring in your 12th house. The way you experience the world and the people in it, is about to go through a revolutionary change.
Revolutionary and fortunate.

Scorpio:  The Scorpion

     Since last Fall, your ruler Mars has been sending tons of energy and support to your Career house. What does your worklife look like now after Mars has blazed a golden path through it? I bet you've experienced great progress, increase and accomplishment. On June 7th Mars will enter the sign of Virgo, shifting your focus to your Friends. Saturn has been hanging out there already, perhaps causing distance between you and those you love. Time to reconnect.
     Meanwhile Jupiter (Good fortune) is about to leave Pisces (Romance) for Aries (Work and Health). With all the drive you've had on career and love the past few months, now's the time to pay some attention to yourself, your social circle, and getting your house in order.

Sagittarius:  The Archer

      "Here comes the Sun" - straight into your House of Partnerships, while Jupiter, your ruler is setting his sights on Aries (House of Love). And so begins the sizzling hot summer for you Sagittarians. If you aren't matched up with anyone yet - don't be nervous about taking the initiative. Just go for it! If you're in a relationship, try to get creative and fun in the Romance department. It will go far with your mate.
      Career-wise Saturn is going backwards through your Career house just as Mars is walking through the door. Saturn will ask you to be careful and be sure of where you will land before taking any action regarding work. Mars is definitely on your side and will help you move forward with your ambitions.

Capricorn:  The Goat

      Mercury's retrograde through Taurus kept you back tracking through your relationship the last few weeks. Perhaps some ghosts from the past have reemerged, or you needed time for reflection on what's working and what does not fit. Now things are moving forward, hopefully with some new revelations under your belt. Communications will steadily improve so trust your path.
     Love and relationships continue to be the focus as Venus moves into Cancer (House of Partnership) this week! With Pluto the Volcano walking with you in Capricorn, you will make a huge impression in your social circles. However, try to keep your communications on the lighter side:) Pluto wants to deliver the brutal truth! Be aware of this or you might devastate the landscapes you're traveling through.

Aquarius:  The Water Bearer

      So how's your house? The latest Mercury retrograde hit you right where you live... literally. All the reassessing and restructuring is over now... you can hold hands with Mercury as he moves towards Gemini - your House of Love! Of course the Sun will be there this Thursday, so relationships are now in the spotlight.
     And there's a twist! Venus, planet of Love is moving into Cancer (your house of work and health). Hmmmm. Anyone at work strike your fancy? Proceed with caution 'cause it's a temporary thing. BUT it could be a great time to ask for that raise. All this before your ruler, Uranus, ignites your communications sector. Let the good times roll!

Pisces:  The Fishes

      The focus for you is YOU... basically. Jupiter (Good Luck and Fortune) is sending tremendous opportunity to you until June 6th so if there's anything you want... GO FOR IT!! What's on you "To Do" list? What would you really like to manifest for yourself right now? This happens once every 12 years. Focus on what you want to expand in yourself and your immediate environment (job, community, relationships). Changes have occurred in your life over the past few months that will lead you in the right direction; even if it hasn't felt like it.
      And Love is on your side: Venus, planet of Love and Beauty is entering Cancer (your house of romantic love and creativity) this Thursday, May 20th. Time to get out and strut your stuff. Get out and socialize as much as you can - it's a great time to meet new people!