Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts


Astro Report: Gemini Season

Sun into Gemini: May 20th at 1:31pm.
New Moon in Gemini: Thursday, May 25th at 12:44pm.
Mercury is Direct in Taurus.
Saturn – Uranus trine at 26 degrees (Sagittarius and Aries respectively) TODAY.
Venus Direct in Aries.  Mars Direct in Gemini.
Silence of the Night
Silence of the Night, Reiji Hiramatsu
I’d say the big thing is this trine with Saturn and Uranus today. This is a harmonious connection between two complete opposites:
Saturn is reality, time, responsibility, history, discipline, commitment, stability, and the establishment. It is slow, solid change.
Uranus is revolution, invention, science, rebelliousness, genius, Change, disruption, electricity and awakening. It is sudden change.
So these two are having a friendly conversation today, which is interesting.  If you have a duality in your life, you might find some common ground today. The main thing is that Saturn will INSIST on any changes you make being well thought out and solid. In my view, Saturn is heavier than Uranus and so those energies carry more weight, BUT they will have to find a compromise since Uranus will not be silenced.
A new physical reality comes into view.
A revolution with a solid foundation.
A path to making aspirations into realities.
This is a good day to set some goals ❤
This trine is also happening in the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius, which brings guts, confidence, self esteem and passion. Creativity and adventure. Composers, artists, actors, musicians and performers are ignited by this energy today. Let your light shine.


Full Moon in Aquarius

Today is a Full Moon in Aquarius, occurring at 3:43am Pacific. It's a Blue Moon (the second full moon in a month), and the brightest full moon of the year. It brings illumination and insight, so be present with your thoughts and the events that occur today, because a Truth will be unveiled.

If you are an astrology ninja, this Full Moon is occurring at 7 degrees Aquarius and Leo, so check out those points on your chart. Whatever was happening in your life on January 20th (the Aquarius New Moon) is about to come to fruition this weekend.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This planet brings electricity, scientific thought, and glimpses of the future. It clears out stagnant energy. Uranus is non-conformist and embraces eccentrics, rebels and geniuses. It brings sudden events and flashes of insight, and can be a turning point for the year. Follow your own path no matter how crazy it looks to others. Uranus is currently retrograde in Aries and sending sparks to Venus retrograding into Leo today. We are looking at our karma and patterns around relationships, so look for breakthroughs of negative patterns. This full moon also brings clarity on where we belong. Who's our people? Our tribe?

If you want to know how this effects your chart, send me an email for an astrology reading!

Happy Weekend!


Uranus and Pluto square today

Feel like you're being pushed to evolve? Sudden events and insights popping up and sending you in a new direction? We are all between a rock and a hard place with these mighty forces standing off in the skies today. The only way out is by letting go of the past, moving forward and becoming more of who you are.

Fragile relationships built on shifting sands will probably not survive this aspect. If a relationship is holding you in the past and keeping you from evolving, it will might crumble. It's a painful time for some people out there, but it's preparing the way for a brighter future. You have to believe that. Same thing could apply to jobs and other relationships. On the plus side, lovers supporting each others' growth and evolution will make it through.

My advice - focus all your energy on what you have control over and let go of everything else. Let people and situations shift around you while you remain focused on your own evolution. The people around you can handle it. Maybe they need to strengthen their own wings.

This powerful change has been going on since 2008 - when Pluto entered Capricorn. The last time Pluto was in this part of the sky was the American revolution in 1776. In our time, this aspect manifested as the year of the economic collapse in 2008. Hidden information about speculators toying with our economy bubbled to the surface. Pluto exposes toxins and poisons so they can be purged and healed.

Uranus (Revolution) entered Aries (the individual) in March 2011, creating a square with Pluto (Catharsis) in Capricorn (Big banks, finance). "Occupy Wall Street" arrived - ushering in the rebellion of Uranus in Aries.

And we all have our own "micro battles" within us. Our self expression is challenging the myriad of ways we've limited ourselves, and we will emerge more independent and transformed. If we cling to the old way of doing things, the change will be harder.

So let go.

Today is the sixth square in a progression of seven total. The last one is in March. Here are the dates:

June 24, 2012
September 19, 2012
May 20, 2013
November 1, 2013
April 21, 2014
December 15, 2014
March 17, 2015

This month is a particularly transformative month, with Uranus moving Direct on Dec. 22nd. Again let everyone go through their own fluctuations while you focus on your personal revolution. Between now and March 17th, 2015 is the final push of these squares, and the energy is heating up. Keep yourself safe, well fed and rested, and keep doing the next right thing. Your rebirth is almost complete!


Full Moon in Aries

Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Extraordinariousness is happening in four hours here on the West Coast.

This Full Moon is in Aries (headstrong impulsive Me Me Me energy) very close to Uranus (shocking, sudden change or insight) and the South Node of the Moon (the Past haunting us).

If there is any sort of upheaval or sudden shifts in relationships going on this week, try to wait until next week or preferably November to take any real action. I MEAN it. Aries has to do with being a maverick and going your own way, but the current emphasis is on Working With Others. Try to be conciliatory and diplomatic with any tiffs that arise.

The ruler of Aries is Mars, currently trining Uranus and stirring up anger and impulsive action - it's a volatile mix. Plus the Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn can cause issues with authority.


Full Moon in Aquarius - Supermoon!

Today is a Full Super Moon in Aquarius. Moon of the Free Agent. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is currently in the sign of Aries and trining (in good angle) to Lilith (rebellion), the Sun (ego), and Mercury (thought) in Leo. The giant gas planet Jupiter (fortune) is also close by in Leo. Issues of standing out and being noticed versus blending in with the crowd are UP. Aquarius is the sign of individuality and adhering to your nature, which is important to stand out and lead others like Leo. I vote for putting yourself out there and taking some risks.

This is a time for the eccentric to turn their crazy ideas into a profession.

Be a revolutionary like my favorite Aquarian, Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols. He defines the sign. A forward thinker who took a chance, literally risked his life, and started a revolution. He was chased through the streets of London by people with knives at one point, but he did it anyway. His imagination and inventiveness changed EVERYTHING and caught the music industry completely off guard. I doubt we'll see that again.

Uranus rules vision, science, genius, change, lightning, revolution, shamanism, insight, non-comformity - but mostly Progressiveness. Uranus shakes things up that have become stale, so we can do things in a fresh new way. Odd there's been so many lightning strikes lately in the news.

The one thing to watch out for is Saturn in Scorpio. This squares the Moon and the Sun and can tempt you to meddle in other people's affairs or get caught up in their drama. Don't do it! Keep the focus on you and your work.

The "Super Moon" side of things just means these issues might be really in your face. No avoiding them anymore. We can experience different ways of seeing things regarding feelings and emotions. This is a great day to turn everything upside down and take another perspective.


Tonight's Blood Moon Eclipse

Tonight at 11:30pm Pacific the skies will present a dramatic event - a Full Red Moon sailing overhead. It should be visible just about everywhere too. This is the first of four eclipses occurring over the next year - all in the signs of Libra and Aries. They are in accordance with the nodes of the Moon which are stimulating our relations with others and diminishing our need "to go it alone".

AND Mars will also be closest to the Earth tonight! In fact it should appear as a bright red star next to the Moon. This is the closest Mars has been to the Earth since January 2008 and will be at it's brightest. Personally, I'm a Scorpio and I dig the color red, so I'm looking forward to this tonight.

The Full Moon tonight occurs in the sign of Libra which symbolizes relationships and partnerships of all kinds - professional and personal. If there is some unresolved issue or tension that needs to be expressed, expect it to come up this week. It's a wonderful time to clear the air. But with Mars there, watch out for aggression and anger. The key to this Full Moon is DIPLOMACY and restoring BALANCE - key traits of the sign Libra. There's a feeling of fate and inspiration with relationships this month.

Unleash your assertive Martian drive on making your life better and helping others. Mars has strong convictions and wants things to happen NOW, while Libra inspires us to work together for the greater good of all.

And then there's the other thing - the Grand Cross on April 22 which really stirs the pot. The cross is formed by Pluto's opposition to Jupiter and Uranus's opposition to Mars. These are huge heavyweights in the sky which will ignite the events and timing in your life to enhance your evolution. You can come quietly or sit in resistance but change is happening either way. Best to embrace it! If you need a reading or healing I'm here :)

Pluto: Evolutionary change, catalyst in Capricorn: Hard work, ambition, (and the wealthy)
Jupiter: Expansion, Philanthropy, Optimism in Cancer: Fertility, Nurturing, Home

Uranus: Sudden Change, Invention, eccentricity in Aries: Spontaneity, Drive, Egoism
Mars: DRIVE, aggression, war, anger, courage in Libra: relationships, balance, harmony

...what a mess

It will be interesting how this effects each of us individually. Here's something I wrote about eclipses from 2011:

When the World falls under the influence of an eclipse, things are out of the ordinary. It's an uncommon time, and we have rare and insightful experiences. It's like walking around your darkened bedroom with a black light - things show up differently, and we see things in a way we don't normally see them. Some things are brighter and easier to see and some things fall into shadow.

Quite simply, I feel it is a time when we touch the foundations of why we are here on this planet. Each of us gains some new insight or information into the life we are currently leading. This information can come through anything - our family, friends, a situation at work, or a bolt of lightning straight from the heavens into our consciousness. When it's an eclipse, I always pay close attention to what happens that day, because there will be something synchronistic about it.


New Moon in Aries: Magic Maker

Be a magic maker. With the New Moon in Aries this morning, we have a strong chance for rebirth. To start over. It's time to shed anything that doesn't fit the vision you have for yourself and your life.

This new moon inspires one to action, courage, spontaneity and assertiveness. Time to advocate for yourself and let your actions speak for you.

Today sparks off April's wild astrological mix, so starting today wrap up loose ends and clarify your focus. We've had a square between Uranus (sudden change, extremes) and Pluto (catalyst and catharsis) for a couple years which has created much of the upheaval we've seen in the world. This square will be touched off this month like fireworks! There will be a Grand Cross formed in the sky by Uranus, Pluto, Mars (volatility) and Jupiter (expansion) in mid April and it's going to be a doozy. More to come on that later.

The wonderful thing about the New Moon in Aries today, is it touches on why you are here at this time on the planet. What is your reason for being? What work do you need to accomplish while you're here? What gifts have been bestowed upon you and what are you drawn too? I think these questions can be answered by looking at our basic nature, and then developing it. The ruler of Aries is Mars, and this fiery planet is currently in retrograde in the sign of Libra. This teaches us patience, and that we can't take action in a vacuum. We are on this planet with other people and have to consider others too. How does our individuality and path in life intersect with the people around us? Libra is the sign of partnership and reminds us we need partners to actuate our potential.

OK that enough philosophizing for one day, now let's go out and take ACTION!!


The Lion - Summer horoscopes 2010

Yay it's SUMMER and time for Leo the Lion!

Well... that's IF you're outside of San Francisco. Our summer doesn't come for a couple of months and it's been FREEZING here!

In the world of astrology this is already an eventful season. The Sun is in Leo  and the Moon full in Aquarius yesterday. We had two eclipses last month alongside a Grand Cross; and there's the entrance of Uranus into Aries and Saturn into Libra! The planet Uranus (sudden events, originality and revolution) has been in Pisces for the last 7 years. The shift from dreamy, imaginative Pisces to the fiery, spontaneous sign of Aries is a MAJOR shift in our lives and culture. Jupiter (good fortune, expansion) followed Uranus into Aries last month assuring a smooth passage for us all.

Meanwhile Saturn (maturity, time, dedication) has been in Virgo for the past 2 years, and as of last Wednesday has entered Libra. There's a new seriousness to relationships. Commitment and reliability are on everyone's radar for the next 2 years. There are HUGE forces at play here that will affect all of us, and these giant shifts are ushering us towards the grandest event of all - the line up of all the planets in December 2012!

The horoscopes below take the Sun into account, as well as the ruler of your sign and these huge Summer 2010 alignments. Be sure to read your Sun sign AND Rising sign! If you don't know your rising sign you can figure it out here.

Aries:  The Ram

     The sun is in Leo, putting focus on your Relationship and Creative Life. Mercury is already there, highlighting communications with your partner. Your ruler, Mars, is currently in Virgo which is challenging for Aries. You want to charge ahead and be spontaneous, but Mars in Virgo has you double checking the details on Everything!! Soon Mars will be moving out of your Virgo/Work/Health area (on July 29th) and into your house of Partnership. It's a hot sexy Summer for you Aries!
     As for the Revolution on your doorstep... Uranus (sudden, transformative and shocking events) is retrograding through your sign for the next month causing you to retool some of your wild ideas. It's a great time to clarify your vision and the practical steps to manifesting it.

Taurus:  The Bull

     You will have lots of "me" time around your house over the next month (Sun in Leo), along with some pleasant experiences with Love and Creativity (Venus in your 5th House). You could combine the whole thing and get creative with your lover in your house. Other than the obvious, how about painting the place? Or getting new curtains, or making some romantic dinners? This month is about practicing expressing yourself in a safe place.
     As for the Grand Cross and the action with Aries - this is all happening in your 12th House (Karma, Self Undoing and Things that are Hidden). It's a great placement because Uranus shakes things up and brings them into the light to be healed. The invisible limits you've placed on yourself will finally be burned away.

Gemini:  The Twins

     My darling Geminis! The Sun will be shining in your House of Learning and Communication this month. These are two things Gemini's excel at, so you are in your element. Mercury, your ruler, is currently gliding through this House preparing the way for the Sun. Time to clear the air and set boundaries with people! Mars in Virgo creates an opportunity to do some psychological healing on yourself - to clear the weeds from the ground of your being.
     The Uranian shift into Aries highlights your social life for the next several years! You will be hanging around the fringes of society with very original and empowered people. Saturn in Libra brings a new seriousness to your love relationships and creative projects. The people you partner with need to "get real" or you will seek out something else.

Cancer:  The Crab

     I hope you had a Great birthday!! The Sun has left your sign for Leo, and the focus shifts to your financial world. Ask yourself, what do you value most? What would you like to increase in your life? What would make you feel more secure? With Mercury leading the way, communications with important relationships are already getting attention.
     The shift of Uranus into Aries will affect your life more visibly then others, because it falls in your 10th House of Career and Ambition. Odd and unique career opportunities will be coming at you from far left field for the next several years! Saturn in Libra brings a serious focus to the people in your living situation and family (particularly mom). How these relationships affect you psychologically will bring deep opportunities to heal yourself.

Leo:  The Lion

     It's birthday season! The Sun has entered Leo and the spotlight is on YOU! Which is the way it should be. You are experiencing the rebirth of your identity for the next solar year. Who are you now? How have you grown over the past year? It's time to set goals for where you'd like to be this time next year. Meanwhile Mars is careening through Virgo, inspiring you to reassess your financial life. As of July 29 the energy will be moving into your communications with others.
     The movement of Uranus into Aries brings sudden changes to your 9th House of Mind Expansion. You will take wild adventures to faraway places, or college courses with unique subject matter. Meanwhile Saturn brings maturity to how you communicate with important relationships and neighborhood pals:)

Virgo:  The Virgin

     Mars has been visiting your sign for the past several weeks and I bet you've gotten A LOT accomplished! Good for you. Mars will be joining Saturn in Libra on July 29th giving new energy and focus to your financial life. The Leo Sun will illuminate and guide you down the back roads of your hidden potentials, preparing you for your birthday in late August/September. Pay attention to the fertile ground of visions and ideas that float through your mind. They will lead you in the best direction for the year ahead.
     One thing to notice is Mercury's entrance into your sign tomorrow - Tuesday, July 27th. It's going to feel GREAT! Capitalize on this energy but keep in mind that Mercury is also going RETROGRADE in Virgo on August 20th. Your plans might be delayed or held up in some way temporarily, but will come to fruition if you're patient.

Libra:  The Scales

     If times have been a little rough lately don't despair; Saturn entered your sign last Wednesday bringing issues of reality, maturity and inhibitions. It's a contracting and sobering influence, which will be with you for the next two years. It will completely alter the structure of your life for the better. You will come out the other side a much stronger and focused person.
     There's a slew of other planets affecting you as well. Mars is entering Libra this week on Thursday, bringing force to your changing issues of identity. Venus (Love) will be there soon followed by Mercury (The Mind) and the Sun (Personality) around your birthday. What's working in your life and what would you like to change? Where are you out of balance? Meanwhile Uranus (the unusual) and Jupiter (Fortune) are highlighting your relationships, bringing oddballs and gurus into your life.

Scorpio:  The Scorpion

     You are experiencing a huge wake up call these days. All the action is in your 12th House of spiritual strength, isolation, addiction, artistry, universal connection and the soul. It's the place you retreat to for healing and to feel safe and secure. The inner planets will be visiting you there over the next couple of months to assist you in clearing cobwebs and brightening up the place. Mars is first... it's your ruler and is entering Libra (your 12th House) Thursday, July 29th. Then Venus, Mercury and the Sun!
     On the other side of your chart Uranus and Jupiter are shaking things up and sending blessings to your Work/Health/Pets arena. They will be retrograding back into your 5th House of Romance however in early August/September, so be prepared to rewind some of what happened in your love life last New Year. Your head will be clear though, so you'll be ready for it.

Sagittarius:  The Archer

     Had some romance lately? Uranus (sudden events) and Jupiter (good fortune) are hosting a really fun party in your House of Romance right now. Jupiter will move on eventually, but Uranus will be there for the next seven years - bringing unusual and revolutionary people into your love life and creative work! Uranus and Jupiter will take a brief break starting in August, but will reenter your House of Love early next year. So 2011 should be great for you. It's a powerful omen for finding true love. Jupiter is also your ruler, so wherever he travels holds a lot of significance in your life.
     The other big event is Saturn's entrance into Libra, your House of Friendships. For the next couple of years your closest relationships will undergo some reality testing. You will learn who you can truly count on. This energy also applies to people you know in your community and work life.

Capricorn:  The Goat

     Saturn, your ruler has just entered Libra - your House of Career. It's the most public area of your chart and will undergo a huge structural change over the next two years. Issues with authority often surface with this transit. What's the reality of your ambitions? Do they still suit you? Do you need to make a change or get more training? Saturn isn't big on changes, but DOES support your climb up the steep mountain to reach your goal. Think about what that goal is and shift it if necessary.
     Uranus and Jupiter have been traveling through the Home area of your chart, allowing positive and sudden changes in your living situation. Uranus will be here for the next seven years bringing all sorts of odd characters into your home and community. Just be open to it and learn from them, but set boundaries if needed. Remember you have Pluto in your sign right now, and that's a VERY powerful ally.

Aquarius:  The Water Bearer

     There was Full Moon last night in Aquarius - it's the brightest moon of the year! The Full Moon in your sign shines the spotlight directly on you and your relationships. Since Aquarius and Leo are fixed signs, I hope you didn't encounter any stubbornness with people in your life. With "fixed" signs people often hold tightly to what they want or believe and will not budge. This was also influenced by a stand off this morning between two heavyweights - Saturn and Uranus. This opposition affected your Communications (3rd house) and Beliefs (9th house). It's best to be diplomatic for the next couple of days until these influences pass over.
     Your ruler, Uranus, has gone through an extraordinary transition last month - leaving Pisces for Aries. This shift will light a fire under you, and bring a huge amount of confidence, optimism and ambition to your usually peaceful and humanitarian perspectives. On the other side of the sky, Saturn will throw a sobering influence over your relationships involving Self Discovery and Travel.

Pisces:  The Fishes

     Big changes are on the horizon for Pisces. What I'm trying to say...gently... is that Uranus (sudden events, highs and lows, erratic changes, instability) has entered your house of Money. It's gonna be okay though. It's also the planet of original ideas, invention and risk taking. Try to focus on maximizing your gains and minimizing the thrill seeking, and you should be fine. Keep those Piscean flipper feet on the ground as much as you can.
     Some good news is that Venus is dancing through your house of Partnerships, so I'm sure you're enjoying quality time with your partner. Or if not attached, you've been getting a lot of attention from the right people! Saturn has moved into your 8th house for the next two years, so keep a good eye on your relationships involving other people's money, shared resources and SEX.